Passbook Savings
- $50 minimum deposit to open an account
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
- Internet banking
- Unlimited deposits, withdrawals or transfers made in person.
- Interest will be compounded every quarter and credited to your account quarterly.
- FDIC Insured
We are very excited to introduce our kids clubs!
- H.A.M.M.Y (Happy About Managing Money Youth)( Ages Birth to 12) Club
- F.I.T (Financially Independent Teen)(Ages 13-17) Club
Helping students build their savings habits early.
Statement Savings
- $100 minimum deposit to open an account
- ATM Card
- Internet banking
- Links to First National Bank of Dennison checking.
- Maintain *minimum balance of $300 during the statement cycle to avoid $6 service charge.
- eStatements
- Interest will be compounded every quarter and credited to your account quarterly.
- FDIC Insured
*Paper Statement Fee $2.00 quarterly
Money Market Savings Account
- $1000 minimum deposit to open an account
- $5 monthly service charge waived with $1,000 daily balance
- Maintain a minimum daily balance of $1000 to obtain disclosed annual percentage yield
- Tier interest rate
- Interest paid monthly
- Internet banking
- Monthly Paper Statement
- eStatements available
- FDIC Insured
Christmas Club
Saving for Christmas has never been easier! Simply choose a goal and begin by making deposits daily, weekly or monthly. Your deposit amount is determined by you, in October you will receive the money you've saved in the form of a check or direct deposit, just in time for the holidays. Speak to one of our knowledgeable bankers for more information.
*Any withdrawals made will close this account.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.